Terms and rules

  • Registrations have been been re-enabled. The issues with the emails has been resolved.
  • Cozy Vibes Café has become 39. Please view our announcement here

The following Terms & Rules may update without notice, so it is advised that you check back often!


  • "Website" - 39
  • "Staff" - Anyone that is listed as Admin or Moderator
  • "Content" - Posts, Resources, Images, Videos and similar

The views expressed on this website are of the author of the content and not the staff or other members. If users have an issue with the content of a particular user, please use the 'Report' functionality. Non-users may use the 'Contact us' at the bottom of the page or by clicking here. Abuse of these methods may see the function being removed or blocked.

Topics disallowed on this Website:

  • Politics
  • Religion

All content on this website is moderated. Staff may not be available at all times, so please utilise the 'Report' functionality and a member of Staff will address it as soon as possible.

Content uploaded to the website should be of your own and not of others. Copywritten material will be removed by the Staff. This does not cover content that is hosted on external platforms that are posted (eg: YouTube videos of music videos embedded) - Takedown reports can be reported via the 'Report' functionality via the 'Contact us"' link at the bottom of the page.

39 operates on a 'No Tolerance' in terms of moderation. Homophobia, Transphobia Racist, etc commentary is not allowed and will be removed. Trying to skirt this rule will see bans dealt. Under no circumstances, we will allow any hate speech of any description on this website.

By agreeing to these rules, you are granting 39 a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited licence to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

Clarification, Questions and Feedback about the existing rules or new rules will be fielded via the website and agreed by members.

Current Update: 2024-03-23